Hello Internet!

I'm Tim and this is my blog!

Jun 22, 2011



Now what to do for the next two months?

I know I'll be going to a band camp to get ready to be a drum major next fall. That's right. I'm not just a band geek any more, I'm the leader of the band geeks.

I also want to put in a plenty of time at work. I'm sick of being broke all the time.

Now to decide what video game I want to play now.

Maybe I should do one of those slender man blogs...


Jun 19, 2011

Finals are no fun.

Sorry about the infrequency of my posts. No one reads this anyway, so I don't really care. I just have nothing interesting to talk about. Happy father's day to my dad and all the other dads out there. You guys rock. And congrats to everyone who graduated, whenever graduation is at wherever the heck you go to school.

Now I need to think of something to talk about.

I never get tired of rubbing in my brother Kevin's face that I have like three more half-days of school because of finals and he has three and a half whole days. Suck it, junior high kids. And by it, I totally mean a popsicle. Because of how hot it's been lately, everyone should have popsicles. Yes blogger, popsicle is a word. Popsicle.



Jun 9, 2011

Summer, movies, flash, and things.

It was a dark and stormy night.
Tim was posting to his blog for the first time in almost two weeks.

Actually the storm is pretty much over. Thank god. Now on to my several topics.

Summer. It's almost here. And how better to celebrate than by asking my mom if I can drive everywhere we go? You see, I just got my learner's permit. And now I need to drive for at least 35 hours before I can test for my driver's license. And it shall be a long summer.

Next subject. Movies. This is sort of a two-parter, like a lot of movies that are coming out. Speaking of two part movies, Harry Potter? Good idea. Twilight? Bad idea. Twilight sucks.

Movies in theaters. It shall be the early summer of awesome movies. Green Lantern, Pirates of the Caribbean, Hangover 2, Harry Potter 7 part 2, and so many more. Pirates and hangover got mixed reviews from what I hear, but it's not going to keep me away. This could even lead to the start of that review blog I was talking about.

MY movies. I want to make one. You see, I got this idea from a class project. My teacher wants us to do an adaptation of a scene from Romeo & Juliet. I figured, why not adapt the entire play, film, and put it on my YouTube? So I shall. I'm making Romeo & Juliet, but in a high school setting. Should be interesting. Script is being written, periodical updates on the status of the project here. This concludes movies.

Flash. Like adobe flash. I can't decide whether to FILM the movie with my sucky video camera, or animate it. I'll try to get some insight on this and upload it here.

Now that's enough. Goodbye for now, internet. And I'm officially out of ideas for quotes.


May 27, 2011

Long Weekend

Now, I've been busy still, but hopefully I'll be posting more often soon. Now, some things to talk about. Like my exciting life and stuff.

Monday's Memorial Day! You rock troops, for giving us a long weekend. And serving the country's awesome too. So yeah, you rock.

Me? I rock too. I'm marching in two parades on Monday and I barely remember the music. Wish me luck. I want ice cream, because it has been really warm lately, so hopefully it won't rain or anything, because the band goes to get ice cream after the parade.

Speaking of ice cream, my dad's starting to make some as I'm typing this. It's gonna be Root Beer flavor, so if you've seen the name of my blog you know I'm excited. It'll probably be ready by tomorrow or Sunday.

Making ice cream is sort of a hobby of my dad's, he even blogs about it at Scott's Scoop. Check it out.

Speaking of checking things out, check out my new video game commentary channel on YouTube. It's called The Fiery Squirrel. You should probably check out the rest of Nom Nom Network too. And Muffin Studios.

Speaking of speaking of things, I'm done advertising myself and my brothers' videos, so you can actually read this part.

I like root beer. And ice cream. And hopefully root beer ice cream.


"Be original. Make up your own darn quotes."
-Tim Finley

May 20, 2011

The End of the World and Wild Mice

I'll start with the wild mice part. I went to funtown today with the math team, it was physics day there, but the only thing physics related for me at least was gravity, momentum, and centrifugal force from riding the wild mouse nine times. Because I'm awesome. There's a lot of other good rides there too, and I'll ride almost anything that's not a roller coaster. My taste in rides changes *snaps fingers* just like that.

World ends tomorrow, make sure to wear clean underwear. To be honest, I don't buy into this whole rapture thing. Or religion in general. I just have trouble believing things that can't be proven. So I better get ready to be eaten by demons.


"May the force be with you."
-Star Wars

May 11, 2011

Not Feeling So Hot

Yeah, I think it's probably allergies, I don't have a fever. I had better feel better by tomorrow, because the drama club's going to Portland to see a play. Should be fun.

So yeah. Life. I have one. The main reasons I haven't been posting are because I've had a lot of homework, for one. I also have started taking driver's ed. I drive for the first time on Friday, so if you live near me, I advise you to stay off the road. 

Speaking of Friday, did anyone see Glee last night? They made that song sound kind of good. The lyrics still suck, but it's better with a better singer, because if you haven't noticed this already, Rebecca Black CAN'T F**KING SING.

I also want to rave about this awesome game I got last week. It's called Minecraft. Basically what you do is you mine resources and you build stuff and you kill bad guys and it. Is. AMAZERING!

So, that's pretty much it for now. I'll post again when I have something worth talking about.


"All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."
-Sunset Boulevard

May 2, 2011

Band Geek Road Trip Recap

EDIT WHICH BECOMES ENTIRE POST: Finally have the time to fill this in.

First day was all travel, but still some cool stuff to talk about. The bus had a DVD player built in, so we watched a few movies, like Inception, which is like one of my favorites out there. We also stopped at a few rest stops on the way, like at this mall in Connecticut where they had a merry-go-round. Which I rode. Don't be hatin'. Now, we had a few of these, but we finally got there around like 11:30 at night and went straight up to the hotel rooms.

Next day was Jamestown settlement. They had all kinds of things, like what the colony looked like, a bunch of ship replicas, and even someone demonstrating how to use a musket. We took pictures, but I forgot my camera, and they probably won't end up anywhere but Facebook. I will not link to my Facebook page because I don't want to be added by random strangers. And then there was lunch. And then we went to the REAL Jamestown. Where they have the actual buildings still. It's a national park, you know. And my friend Maddie bought a Native American headdress, and gave us all Native American names. Call me Fiery Squirrel Who Flies. And then we performed and did really well. Fourth in Concert Band, Third in Jazz Band.

Day three. Busch Gardens. Epic. Except waiting while my group went on all the roller coasters. Like when the Loch Ness Monster broke down, I was stuck outside with the backpacks for like two hours. The awards ceremony was even inside the park. Oh yeah! There was a Band Competition during the trip! Now may be a good time to mention that we got first in Parade Band. Busch Gardens is awesome. I won't deny it.

Fourth day had as little to report as the first. Even less. We just came home.

Yesterday I got out of school because I was tired I mean SICK. I WAS SICK. So I worked on this big stressful paper that's due tomorrow, and got it done.

Now for some closing things. I'm starting driver's ed next week and I'm super excited. I'm gonna learn to drive a car, ho can I not be excited?

And I'll be getting serious about being a critic, as soon as I find something released recently enough to review. I'll make a separate blog for that when I feel like it.


"Go ahead, make my day."
-Sudden Impact

Apr 28, 2011


EDIT: Quote has been edited in now. Finally have some free time.

So, today's the big day. Williamsburg, Virginia! If you live around there, we're performing at Bruton High School at 6:30 PM tomorrow. Don't miss it!

Now what have I not already talked about?

Oh right. We also get to see this place that is made to look like the Jamestown settlement, which should be interesting. And then there's Busch Gardens on Saturday. I'm not a big fan of roller coasters, personally, but I'm going to ride any that don't go upside-down or backwards or unnecessarily high. I spelled unnecessarily right on my first try. I'M A GENIUS!!!!!

Today's going to just be a travel day, which could be fun or boring, depending on who you ask. Some kids have to study for their AP tests next week. I'm hoping it doesn't keep them from having a good time.

Well, like I said I have to leave soon. I can't post there because it's highly unlikely that I will have access to a computer. I'll update my twitter, so if you really care that much, check my twitter gadget here on teh blog or follow me @tim95f.

So Excited!


"Here's looking at you, kid."

Apr 22, 2011

Break Almost Over? :(

Well, either way, happy earth day.

Now you're probably wondering what stories of awesomeness I have that occurred over the week. Well, actually, I've done a whole lot of nothing so far.

Or have I? I just got a text from my friend Kaitlyn (I've mentioned her before, she has the blog Life, Living, and Poetry) inviting me to go to the movies with some of our other friends. So I might not have another boring April Break at home. Excited face!

I also want to take the time to rave about this new CD I bought earlier this week. It's the soundtrack to the Broadway show American Idiot. Now, I was a little skeptical at first, but then a week or two ago the color guard performed to a song off of this (21 Guns, to be specific). And it. Was. AMAZING. I had to get it. Being a huge fan of Green Day, I still thought it would be weird without Billie Joe singing it, but I got it and then it was awesome! I hear it will be a movie, which is a must-see for me when it comes out. you're probably wondering why to get this if you already have the original album. Well, reason one: there are several songs on it that weren't on the original, like several off of "21st Century Breakdown," (including combining one with an American Idiot song to make it sound completely different (in a good way), but I don't want to say which so I don't spoil it), two B-sides released in Europe, and another song that Billie Joe wrote when he was 19 but never actually recorded. Reason two: the new voices make the songs sound amazing. Reason three: oh don't just take my word for it, either see the show or buy the CD. 5 stars!

Wow. I should be a critic. I should start a blog where I just review stuff. I'll think it over.


"Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
-The Wizard of Oz